Below is a list of all of the Funeral Homes within our service area(Greater Marquette Area). The green burial movement is relatively new here, so your funeral home may or may not have experience with it. It can help to think through the event(s) you wish to hold and make a list of questions before calling.
*Helpful Tip – Michigan is one of a few states that requires you to hire a funeral director to process the death certificate and oversee disposition. ( This does not mean you can’t have a family led and/or home funeral. Explain your wishes to your director and gauge their willingness to help you fulfill your vision. Be sure to ask for a General Price List of all goods and services, or GPL. This will help you determine which goods and services you would like professional help with and which you are comfortable handling on your own.
Fassbender Swanson Hansen Funeral & Cremation 926 N 3rd St Marquette, MI 49855 906.226.6589 Canale Tonella Funeral Home 526 N 3rd St Marquette, MI 49855 906.226.2711 Koskey Funeral Home 106 W Main St Negaunee, MI 49866 906.475.4631 Perala Funeral Home 123 W Lincoln St Negaunee, MI 49866 906.475.6431 Bjork & Zhulkie Funeral Home 400 N 3rd St Ishpeming, MI 49849 906.486.8911 Canale - Gwinn Funeral Home & Cremation Services 96 E Stephenson Ave Gwinn, MI 49841 906.346.4000