Land Conservation & Green Burial, when paired together, create conservation cemeteries. This is a win-win situation for people and the planet. Conservation cemeteries protect the ecological integrity of a tract of land while also incorporating a sustainably managed natural burial ground. This protected land becomes a highly valued recreational resource for the families of those buried there as well as others in the community. Native plants and animals are given space to thrive, while funds from burial activities can facilitate protecting more land or restoring land that has been damaged by human activity, pollution or deforestation.
Conservation burial, at its core, is about the creation and support of multidimensional social and ecological spaces that sustain us as they sustain the planet and all who dwell on it.
-Conservation Burial Alliance

Conservation in the UP
The UP doesn’t have any conservation cemeteries yet (as far as we know), but we do have land, rivers, lakes and natural habitat worth protecting. Starting from GRC’s public launch in May of 2021, 10% of profits will be donated towards land conservation efforts in the UP. Our goal is to have a net-zero environmental impact, and to build-in the protection of our beautiful and still wild UP forests and waters for generations to come.
*Pet Casket sales generate a donation towards land conservation as well as a donation to UPAWS, to support the excellent services they provide to our human and animal communities.