A will and/or estate plan is an important part of any end-of-life plan. If you’re making plans for green burial and you don’t already have a written will, it’s a good time to do it. Here’s some great info to get you started: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/wills-faq.html
You don’t necessarily need legal help to create a will or estate plan, but you may want it, especially if your situation is complicated. Below are some local attorneys that can help. (not a complete list)
Law Office of Kim Winokur PLC 375 N. McClellan Avenue, Suite A Marquette, MI 49855 906.629.1510 winokurlawplc.com
Filizetti Knaffla Estate & Elder Law 1901 W. Ridge St. Ste 5 Marquette, MI 49855 906.226.4600 estateandelder.com
Brogan & Yonkers P.C. 148 W Hewitt Ave. Marquette, MI 49855 906.228.6212 upelderlaw.com
Graybill & Mead, PLLC 2552 US-41 #300 Marquette, MI 49855 906.273.1293 graybillandmead.com
Help with understanding the legalities of end-of-life care can also be found at:
- Funeral Consumers Alliance of Michigan – info on state and federal laws pertaining to cemeteries, costs and consumer issues. funeralsmi.org/cemeteries
- The Funeral Rule. Federal Trade Commission enforced consumer rights. www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0300-ftc-funeral-rule